How to stay physically active during self-quarantine?
Many healthy people are being asked to stay at home in self-quarantine as new COVID-19 cases arise in the WHO European Region. Fitness centers and other places where people regularly exercise will be temporarily closed in various nations. Keeping physically active while being at home for lengthy periods of time might be difficult. Individuals’ health, well-being, and quality of life can all be harmed by sedentary behavior and inadequate levels of physical activity. Self-quarantine can also contribute to citizens’ stress levels and put their mental health at risk. Physical activity and relaxation techniques can both help you stay calm and safeguard your health during this stressful period.
The World Health Organization advises 150 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity exercise per week, or a combination of the two. Even without sophisticated equipment or a large amount of room, these recommendations can be carried out at home. Here are some ideas for staying active and reducing sedentary behaviour when in self-quarantine:
During the day, take short activity breaks. Weekly physical activity recommendations are supplemented by short bursts of physical activity. You can use the workouts listed below as motivation to stay active every day. Other ways to stay active at home include dancing, playing with children, and doing household duties like cleaning and gardening.
Participate in an online exercise class. Take advantage of the numerous online fitness classes available. Many of these are available for free on YouTube. If you’ve never done these exercises before, proceed with caution and awareness of your own limitations.
Walk. Walking around or walking on the spot might help you stay active even in tiny spaces. If you have a phone conversation, instead of sitting down, stand or move around your house while you talk. If you decide to go for a stroll or workout outside, keep at least a 1-meter distance between you and other people.
Take a step forward. Stand up as much as possible to cut down on your sitting time. Ideally, every 30 minutes, interrupt your sitting and reclining time. To continue working while standing, consider building up a standing desk by using a high table or stacking a stack of books or other things. Prioritize cognitively stimulating activities such as reading and board games during sedentary leisure time.
Relax. You can stay calm by meditating and taking deep breaths. For your consideration, a few relaxing techniques are included below.
It’s also crucial to remember to eat well and remain hydrated for maximum health. Instead of sugar-sweetened beverages, the WHO suggests drinking water. Adults should limit or avoid alcoholic beverages, and young individuals, pregnant and breastfeeding mothers, and others should avoid them for health reasons. Limit your salt, sugar, and fat intake while increasing your intake of fruits Prefer whole grains rather than refined foods and vegetables.
Credit: World Health Organization Europe